Normally, this place is occupied by other players who restore their energy and exchange products. Rotmg Private Server Download 2015 Pc Tips to be good To continue, you must enter one of the caves that lead to the battlefields and lower the battalion to the enemy. In the Realm of the Mad God Guide, there is no experience economy: anyone involved in a murder wins. So always stay close to other groups of players to share the points earned (and also to deal with opponents faster). ROTMG Private Server Online feature that allows you to teleport your character closer to another player. Use it and abuse it to get involved and not lose your side.You can also mark players with the option “Block.” In this way, it is possible to reach them through teleportation, even if they distance themselves from their warrior.The search for treasure (always indicated by arrows on the screen) is the best way to evolve, as they produce strong enemies.However, if you have problems, you can press the F5 key to return to the base station. When you die, you lose the character and all the objects. You start with an assistant at the beginning, and gradually you can light up the other classes: just go with a hunter to level 5 to open the next hunter.

Repeat the process each new class opens another until everyone is qualified.With each world that has 85 players, it is important to prepare a variety of groups to decimate opponents.