You can fix this by adding this viewport metatag into the head of your site: iPad Icons The iPhone for example will try and best-fit websites causing issues if you’ve scaled your page correctly. If you’re coding your site using responsive design in order to fit mobile devices well, you may have some sizing issues if you don’t tell the device not to zoom. ** – measurements without any browser chrome for a web app Note on Responsive Design for Mobile Devices * – measurements with the tabbed browser navigation bar If you design with those specs in mind you’ll do a good job of targeting older models.Ģ048 x 1536 x 1536 x 2048 Per Inch (PPI) I’m only going to specify the latest generations of each line of iPads. See the table below for all the measurements of each tablet. This image shows the browser screen size of the iPads for use when writing CSS. I’ve also written an article on Retina images if you’d like to learn more. If you’re creating an image and want it at the max resolution, this is the size you’d use. This is the value you get when you apply the multiplier (1x, 2x, 3x) the device uses to the screen size in points. This is the full number of pixels that are being rendered. This means they take the larger iPad resolution (mentioned below) and compress those pixels into a smaller space to make the image look sharper. The iPad uses Retina screens which have a higher pixel density. If you’re designing for the web (using CSS or JavaScript) these values will be helpful. These points are the size that the device is using for coordinates. This is diagonal measure of the screen, from corner to corner, just like you’d measure a TV. I’m going to get these values defined here so the chart below makes more sense:

There are a few different values to consider when looking at the iPad screen sizes.

For example when the navigation no longer works horizontally it should adapt. I’d recommend first using responsive design techniques to try and pick breakpoints based on your content and not to a specific device, as sizes are always changing. This guide will help you understand how to make your site look it’s best when displayed on these devices. When Apple initially launched it’s iPhone & iPad lines many designers specifically targeted those device sizes in their website designs.